• Aylesbury sports and remedial massage therapy services

Massage Info

Massage Therapy
Soft Tissue

Massage therapy involves the assessment and treatment and manipulation of any soft tissue injury that is causing pain, stiffness or abnormal function. Soft tissues include ligaments, tendons, muscles connective tissue and fascia. Any one at any age can benefit from soft tissue therapy including the young and retired, where treatments can be tailored to meet the needs of individuals, who could be suffering discomfort associated with everyday and occupational stresses, over use of muscles and sports injuries or chronic pain conditions. Massage promotes circulation by encouraging venous flow back to the heart, the blood vessels dilate making them work more efficiently promoting the delivery of fresh oxygenated blood and nutrients to the tissues which enhances the removal of waste products and toxins including debris from any tissue damage or inflammation. Massage eases muscle and joint stiffness and pain, and relives muscle tension and encourages movement to stretch the connective tissue found around the joints lengthening muscles to balance our musculoskeletal system. Pressure needs to be applied via massage to facilitate this blood flow so this circulatory stimulation can help improve the overall health and recovery systems in the body. Massage aids recovery from soft tissue injuries such as sprains and strains where increasing circulation and promoting correct fiber alignments, growth and repair of tissue can accelerate restoring good muscle strength and movements. At times the treatments can be tender due to the therapist needing to work through superficial tissues into the deeper structures to find the location of the underlying cause of pain and tension.

In a sporting environment many people suffer from overuse injuries to muscles in some cases causing chronic debilitating pain, soft tissue therapy aids a faster recovery helping to restore full function and return to sport, by strengthening weakened muscle groups, reducing pain and inflammation, scar tissue and adhesion's and minimizing the risk of future injuries. Many people associated with regular or competitive sports know that regular therapy supports full function as well as improving their flexibility and coordination along with their regular training routines.

The everyday stresses and strains of life can effect the musculoskeletal system, from driving the car all day to sitting in traffic jams, stuck at a desk all day in front of a computer, even stress or depression which effects everyone from time to time causing imbalances between body and mind soft tissue therapy can help reduce these influences. Soft tissue therapy can relax our muscles but more importantly can have a calming effect on our nervous system, we have receptors in our soft tissues that communicate and send sensory information to our central nervous system causing a reflex type of effect on our motor nerves that manage muscle tone therefore can respond to the input of stimulation e.g. smooth rhythmical massage which will help calm theses receptors so they can relax the muscles, other body systems can also be influenced encouraging overall relaxation and balance.

For those who have been inactive or recovering from illness or injury including the elderly struggling to move as freely as before soft tissue therapy can improve upon mobility by improving postural awareness and impacting upon low muscle function, improve upon movement and muscle range while increasing muscle flexibility.

Overall for any injury soft tissue therapy is targeted towards improving loss of range, reducing pain and impacting on performance whether this is reflected in an everyday normal life type of function or in a sporting competitive environment the goals are the same.

Massage therapy roomClare Davies